Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Want to become best? ....Here is what you should have

"O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable  of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware." (Al Hujuraat 49 : 13).  

The Messenger of Allah () said, "The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it."                               [Al-Bukhari]

"The best of the Muslims is he from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe." [Muslim]

2. "The best of people are those with the most excellent character." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]

3. "The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind." [Dâraqutni, Hasan]

4. "The best of people are those who are best in fulfilling [rights]." [Ibn Mâjah, Sahîh]

5. "The best of people during fitnah is a man who takes up the reins of his horse pursuing the enemies of Allah, causing them fear yet they make him fearful too, or a man who secludes himself in the desert fulfilling the rights of Allah upon him." [Hâkim, Sahîh]

7. "The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]

8. "The best of women are those that please him [her husband] when he sees her, obeys him when she is commanded, and who does not secretly betray him with regards to herself and her money in that which he dislikes." [Ahmad, Sahîh]

9. "The best of women are those that please you when you see them, obey you when commanded, and who safeguard themselves and your money in your absence." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]
"The best of you in Islam are those who are most excellent in character as long as you deeply understand the religion." [Ahmad, Sahîh]
18. "The best of you are the best of you in fulfilling [rights]." [Ahmad, Sahîh]

19. "The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best of you to my family." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]

21. "The best of you are those who feed others and return greetings." [Abu Ya'lâ, Hasan]

22. "The best of you is he from whom good is anticipated and safety from his evil is assured; the worst of you is he from whom nothing good is expected and one is not safe from his evil." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh]

42. "The best of people in recitation are those who when they recite, you see that they fear Allah." [Bayhaqi, Sahîh]

43. "The best of your leaders are those that you love and they love you, you supplicate for them and they supplicate for you. The worst of your leaders are those that you hate and they hate you, you curse them and they curse you." [Muslim]

44. "The best of you are those who are best in paying off their debts." [Tahâwi, Sahîh]

45. "The best of you are those with the longest lives and most excellent character." [Bazzâr, Sahîh]

46. "The best of you are those with the longest lives and best in action." [Hâkim, Sahîh]

47. "The best of you are those with the softest shoulders during prayer." [Bayhaqi, Hasan]

98. "The best of the Believers with respect to Islam is the one from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe; and the best of the Believers with respect to Îmân are the most excellent of them in character; and the best of those who migrate is he who migrates from that which Allah the Most High has prohibited; and the best of Jihâd is when one strives against his soul for the sake of Allah, the Mighty, the Magnificent." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]

99. "The best of mankind is the believer between two honourable persons." [Tabarâni, Sahîh]

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